Work in progress
Work in progress
Fabrication of the main span

I''ve Won !!
I''ve Won !!
Kyle puts the first bolt/pin in to secure the arch! Well Done everyone!!

Trainee Committee Members
Trainee Committee Members
Miss Kane and Master Hoy direct the traffic away from the workers!!

Across and half way UP!
Across and half way UP!
The main span is lifted of the road and raised by the pulleys until the pin points are level to be secured.

Ready for lift off !!!
Ready for lift off !!!
The chains are attached ready for the main span to be hoisted into place.

The teleporter lends a hand
The teleporter lends a hand
The teleporter holds the main span in place for the boys to attach it to the pulley chains.

Main section ready to leave storage.
Main section ready to leave storage.
Just look at the dimensions of the structure as it is ready to be taken from storage!

Second section goes in place
Second section goes in place
Second pole section in set into place ready to be raised.

Some members of the new arch committee
Some members of the new arch committee
Back Row L-R Adrian Branyan, Jim Edgar (Secretary) Shirley Branyan, Kyle Branyan, Trevor Bonis (Hon'Treasurer) Front Row Eric Treanor(Vice Chair), Ronald Roney (Chairman)

The digging work begins.
The digging work begins.
The serious digging in preparation for the new arch takes place on a sunny St Patricks morning.

Hoys side is prepared.
Hoys side is prepared.
Trevor Bonis makes tea in the background whilst the digger operator does all the hard work.
The yellow line shows the first visible sign of work commencing for the new arch
The yellow line shows the first visible sign of work commencing for the new arch
The pavement is marked for work to begin in preparation for the erection of our new arch in June 2008.