The first cuts are made for the new arch
The first cuts are made for the new arch
Adrian Branyan cuts the first visible signs that we are preparing for our new arch

Hoys side gets its first cut
Hoys side gets its first cut
Adrian Branyan makes the first cuts into the pavement at Hoys side of the road.

The road is marked for the positioning of the Arch
The road is marked for the positioning of the Arch
The arch will occupy a position a little closer to the pedestrian crossing.

First bit completed!!
First bit completed!!
Jim Edgar, Kyle Branyan Trevor Bonis and Adrian Branyan completed the first visible signs for the ''New Arch'' Sorry about the 'night image' quality

Old Edenderry Arch Picture
Old Edenderry Arch Picture
I came across this highly decorated image of Edenderry Arch and thought you may be interested.

13th July Royal Black entering Watson Street
13th July Royal Black entering Watson Street
Hello I came across a post card showing Portadown Royal Black District No 5 entering Watson Street. This picture is different from the one you already have on your web site as you can see the bannerette and two young boys in bare feet on the right hand side of the picture. The picture is in the same time period unfortunately I do not have a year. I have put his picture on the following link - http://orangenet.org/rbdc5/edenderry_1930s.htm If you wish you can use this picture on your web site. May I ask in return to use two pictures of the Late Sir Knt R. J. Magowan on the Portadown Royal Black District web site in return. Please add a link from your site to www.orangenet.org/rbdc5 and I will return the compliment.

Improvements to Arch
Improvements to Arch
Work being carried out on Arch in 2004.

Bands on display in Edenderry
Bands on display in Edenderry
Note some of the shop signs ie Eden Pharmacy, Band Centre. Heathwoods sign on gable of Foundry Street. Note Arch in background. The band on bottom right is Pride of Seagoe Accordian which is no longer in existence.The band in the top left picture is the Portadown Protestant Boys which came mostly from the Annagh district of Portadown. Their uniform was a very distinctive red, white and blue hooped pullover.The picture below them is of Portadown Defenders flute band which still is going strong today. These photos were taken 12th July, 1980.
Photo courtesy Portadown Times.
Portadown Defenders Band
Portadown Defenders Band
Photo was taken in the early 70's of the band going under the Arch in Bridge Street Edenderry.
Photo courtesy of Victor Brownlee

Edenderry''s Arch Project
Edenderry''s Arch Project
Arch Project - 1946
Something never before attempted in Portadown, is in hand in Edenderry. The provision of an arch, which will cost anything between £800 and £1,000. The reproduction of the plan given herewith, shows at once the massiveness of the structure contemplated.
In former days a “Modest” arch spanned the street, but this has now almost outlived its usefulness and after a lengthy period of service it is, in the opinion of those, who see to these matters in Edenderry, unworthy of the loyalty of the district concerned. Some considerable time ago a most energetic committee decided to embark on this ambitious venture. Those comprising this body are Messrs. U McCrory (Chairman) A. Lutton (Vice-Do) T. Best (Hon.Secretary) H. Loney, S.Loney, Wm.Dickson, Jim Dickson, Wm. Forde and James Kerr.
They at once decided to introduce a system of regular subscriptions, and so well has this progressed, that today a sum of £370 stands to the credit of the Edenderry Arch Committee.
This is no mean feat, considering the many calls on the private purse and with such a hard working band of members, the committee looked forward to the continued support of the general public, to enable the aim to be achieved.
The trustees acting for the Arch Committee are : Messrs. R.J.Magowan, J.P.(Chairman U.D.C.) : W.J.Moffett, J.P., J.Bell, J.Jeffers and M.G.McCann.
The architects who drew up the plan are Messrs. Hurd & Squire, 3,Wellington Place, Belfast.
Courtesy of Portadown News - 1946
Procession led by horses
Procession led by horses
The photo includes Head Constable John Gosnell on the left. He was born near Skibbereen, Co Cork and served in the RIC before joining the RUC in 1920's. He was a fluant Irish speaker and attended the same national school as Michael Collins.
Photo submitted by his grandson Harry Eakin

Edenderry Arch
Edenderry Arch
The old cars will give an idea of the date.
Photo courtesy of Mrs H. Jeffers