Joseph Street
Joseph Street
Photo of Mrs Lavery & her daughter Jean taken outside their home 14 Joseph Street in 1936. Note the partially cobbled footpath. Our thanks to Mrs Jean Milligan for permission to use this photo.

Carrickblacker Avenue
Carrickblacker Avenue
Portadown Times newspaper cutting.

Watson Street
Watson Street
Part of the Wade Factory.
House No Residents
1 Alice Kerr 2 Mrs Thornton 3 Thomas Stanfield 4 W Cull 5 Joe Watson (Taxis) 6 Alice O’Hara 7 Resident not known 8 Billy Madill (Postman &Drummer) 9 Jack Roberts 10 Jean Livingstone 11 Ronnie Roberts 12 James Kerr 13 Tommy Forbes 14 Lynn Burrows 15 Maggie Thomas 16 Hugh Roney 17 Cecil Mathers 18 Billy Gallery 19 George Watson 20 Ginnie Porter 21 Jack Connell 22 Agnes Rock 22a Herbert Rock 23 Resident not known 24 Jimmy Kane 25 Sammy Wilson 26 William Hutchison 27 Albert Drummond 28 Elizabeth Nelson 29 Major Carryer MD of Wades factory
We would like to hear from anyone who can remember who occupied nos 7 & 23.
Rails at top of Bright Street
Rails at top of Bright Street
Lewis Roney & George Weir sitting on rails at top of Bright Street.The houses in the background are on the Carrickblacker Road. Bright Street was demolished in the 50's & in its place Edwin May the motor people display second hand cars.

Street party 1953 Coronation.
Helen Magee Anne McDowell Grace Magee Barbara Lyttle Annie Connelly Joan McCullough Martin Loney Jackie Gibson
Albert Lyttle Vera McCann Dorothy Connelly Vivienne Bleak Margaret McDowell Millicent Magee Trevor McAdam Trevor McClure Gordon Liggett
Known locally as the backstreet or the boulevard. The street comprised 34 houses & was situated off Watson Street & Watson Lane. We understand that both street names are derived from the owners of Armstrong Linen Factory. The tenants listed are from the 30’s, 40’s & 50’s. The tenancy of some of the houses changed regularly however this list was prepared by George Weir, Evelin Magee & Roy Roney from their memories of the time they lived in the street & we are indebted to them for their assistance. With the immergence of the new housing estates around different parts of the town in late 50’s & 60’s most of the tenants moved to them & Florence Court was eventually demolished in the 70’s & remains derelict to this day. At the top of the street was the premises of Young’s Lemonade Store. This was their main distribution centre for the Portadown area. It was also demolished some 30 years ago. Roy Roney remembers his mother Christina holding the keys of the premises & opening up regularly to allow the delivery men to stock the store & also to load up their lorries for deliveries around the town. Anna & Bobby Black of number 10 ran a small shop from their living room. The tenants in those day were- No. 1 James McCann 2 Minnie Allen 3 Isaac Liggett 4 James Murray 5 Eddie Vennard 6 Julie Liggett 7 Sam Lavery 8 Robert Best 9 John Armstrong & Mattie 10 Anna & Bobby Black ( Shop ) 11 Bob Fiddis 12 Jim Hunter 13 Jimmy Vennard 14 George Weir 15 Sam Roney 16 Sarah Freeburn 17 Billy Gracey 18 Dick Jennett 19 George Connolly 20 Joe McCrory 21 Charlie McCauseland 22 Bill McCullough 23 Billy Dickie 24 John Beattie & Joanne Lis Mathers 25 Jane Liggett 26 Minnie Robinson 27 George Liggett & Sis 28 Alex Adair 29 Harry Wright 30 Joe Watson 31 Jennie McDonald 32 Mrs Malcomson 33 Rector Hamilton 34 Joe McClatchey
Other well known tenants who occupied properties in the street were- Sammy & Elenor Roney, Joe & Pearl Roney, Sammy McCullagh, Tommy & Mabel Lyttle, James Freeburn & family, Mr& Mrs Fleming, B McClure, Mr & Mrs Conlin, Mr & Mrs Hurst, Mary Loney & Martin, Kenneth Liggett’s mother & father & Mr & Mrs McDowell.
It ran from Watson Street to Florence Court. The tenants of the Lane in George Weir’s time were – No. 1 Munster Simms office. 2 Uzia Cordner & mother 3 Jem Liggett 4 Rachel McMorran 5 Maggie Vaughan 6 Miss Walker Other tenants were Mr& Mrs Bleaks, Fred McNally & Joyce
Florence Court - 1953 Coronation Party
Florence Court - 1953 Coronation Party
A street party was held in Florence Court in 1953 to celebrate the Cornation of queen Elizabeth11. In this photo the children are being presented with Coronation medals & mugs. Our thanks to Harry McCullagh an ex resident of the street for allowing us to use this photo. We would be pleased to hear from anyone who could identify the children in the photo or any of the residents. The gentleman presenting the mugs is Cllr R J Magowan.

Bridge Street - Moffets studio
Bridge Street - Moffets studio
I attach photo of Bridge Street. Note Moffets Art Studio & the Church.The outside of the buildings today have been plastered & many have been turned into shops. We would like to hear from anyone who could supply us with information on these properties. Thanks to Mr George McGaffin for letting us use the photo. Note the police man standing outside Moffets.The RIC Station for the Edenderry area was at the top of Carrickblacker Avenue.The RIC was disbanded in 1922 & was replaced with the RUC. The chimney at the back of the houses beside the church was in Foundry Street down the gateway to the left. We believe it was taken down 60 years ago.The other chimney was that of Clow's Mill.109/121 Bridge Street were built in 1840 & they are three-storey brick buildings with simple doorcases,fancy brick surrounds,& glazing bars. Wilson the undertakers were in the shop prior to the church. Note the large Victorian horse trough & gas light.
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